Jackpot and pricez

In Vikinglotto, there are several prize categories that offer a wide range of winning opportunities. These range from smaller amounts that are relatively easy to win, to the highly coveted jackpots that can reach several million euros. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the various prize categories, their probabilities, and the dynamics behind the prize pool.

Jackpot Rules

  • Minimum Jackpot: The jackpot usually starts at a minimum amount, such as €3 million, and can increase if there are no winners.
  • Rollover: If no one has all six main numbers and the Viking number correct, the jackpot rolls over to the next draw.
  • Rollover limits: There may be a maximum limit to the number of times a jackpot can roll over. In some lotteries, if the jackpot is not won for a certain amount of time, the money is distributed to the winners of the next highest prize category.
  • Shared Jackpot: If there are multiple winners for the jackpot, the money is divided equally.
  • Time of Payout: The payout of the jackpot can be a one-time sum, or a cancelled payout spread over a number of years.
  • Taxation: Jackpot winnings are usually subject to the tax laws of the country where the ticket was purchased.
  • Foreign Players: If you do not live in a participating country, it is still possible to win, but you must pay taxes according to the rules of the country where you bought the ticket.

Prize categories

Prize categories

Main Prize (Jackpot): 6 correct main numbers + correct Viking number
Second prize category: 6 correct main numbers
Third prize category: 5 correct main numbers + correct Viking number
Fourth prize category: 5 correct main numbers
Fifth prize category: 4 correct main numbers + correct Viking number
Sixth prize category: 4 correct main numbers
Seventh prize category: 3 correct main numbers + correct Viking number
Eighth prize category: 3 correct main numbers
The values of these prizes can vary significantly depending on the number of winners and the size of ticket sales. Smaller prizes are usually fixed amounts, while larger prizes may be a percentage of ticket sales or a percentage of the remaining pot after the jackpot payout.

The Jackpot

  1. How to win: Choose all the main numbers and the Viking number correctly.
    Minimum Amount: The minimum amount varies but usually starts at a certain base amount such as €2 million or €3 million.
    Rollover: If no one wins the jackpot, it is added to the next draw, leading to a larger prize pool.
  1. Second Category

How to win: Choosing all main numbers correctly without the Viking number.
Average Amount: This can vary greatly, but is often between €100,000 and €500,000.

  1. Lower Categories

How to Win: This varies, but usually you need some of the main numbers and/or the Viking number.
Average Amount: This can range from a few euros to several thousand euros.

Jackpot: The odds of winning the jackpot are extremely small, often 1 in several tens of millions.

Second Category: The probability of this is slightly higher but still very small.
Lower Categories: The odds here are relatively better, sometimes 1 in 50 or even better for the lowest prizes.

What were the biggest jackpot prizes in the Viking Lotto?

The Vikinglotto is a multi-national lottery popular in northern Europe. Until April 2023, the six biggest jackpot prizes won in the Vikinglotto were:

  • 44.3 million euros: Won in Norway in August 2020. This is the biggest jackpot in the history of the Vikinglotto.
  • 35.1 million euros: Also won in Norway, in November 2017.
  • 33.2 million euros: This prize was won by a player in Denmark in March 2021.
  • 25.5 million euros: In May 2013, a player from Norway won this jackpot.
  • 23.5 million euros: Won in Norway in October 2016.
  • 21.3 million euros: This jackpot fell in Estonia in November 2012.

Influence of Ticket Sales.

The total prize pool is often influenced by ticket sales. A larger number of tickets sold leads to a larger prize pool, but also to more competition.

Special Draws

Sometimes there are special draws where extra prizes or bonuses are offered. These can range from extra cash amounts to tangible prizes such as cars or vacations.

Taxes and Payouts.

Depending on the country, taxes may be due on prizes won. Payouts can be made all at once or in installments, depending on the amount won and the winner’s preference.


The variety and depth of prizes in Vikinglotto offer something for everyone, from casual players who are satisfied with smaller winnings, to risk-takers who have their sights set on the jackpot. The dynamic nature of the prize pool and the influence of ticket sales and special draws make it a constantly changing landscape that offers a wide range of opportunities and challenges.

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